We provide comprehensive on-site assistance, whether it's for installation support, setting-to-work, or final commissioning. Our commitment extends wherever the ship sails or the customer calls, ensuring that we're there to provide the necessary support and expertise. With our dedicated team, clients can rely on us for seamless assistance at every stage of their project.


At Optonaval, ensuring compliance with existing regulations is a fundamental aspect of our operations. Our experts assist in obtaining class approval for various components, whether it's a certified helicopter landing deck or the selection and arrangement of navigation lights. Additionally, they meticulously define and secure the appropriate interface of their equipment and controls with the existing systems on board, ensuring seamless integration and functionality. Clients can trust our team to navigate regulatory requirements and optimize system compatibility for their vessels.


Ship owners can rely on Optonaval’s through-life support rendered at different options. Having the green light of the owner Optonaval can monitor the status of the systems on board with web-based applications. Maintenance jobs would be scheduled just on demand. Alternatively, Optonaval accepts maintenance agreements, based on which regular on-site surveys and repairs are executed. In any case, availability of spares is granted, and software updates will be supported during the lifetime of the ship.

To contact our team and arrange any kind of service please use service(@)

Generic Flightdeck